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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Random Thoughts from a Rugby Trip

This past weekend I went on a trip with the Princeton Girl's Rugby team to the University of Virginia. (I've been training them for the past 15 weeks or so). It was a great experience and along the way I learned a lot about the sport of Rugby. There were a couple observations that I did take away from the game and the experience as a whole:

1) We have so much to learn from other sports. As I was sitting up on the hill next to the field watching the girls warm-up. They got into a square, with a line behind each corner. They went through a set of warm-up drills where they run toward the middle and pass or hand off. As the warm-up progresses, more balls are added to the drill. Basically, by the end four girls are navigating through a small space in the middle of a small square. The drill requires intense communication, visual, and coordination skills.

2) Last week I had messed up on the F = M*A calculations. I wasn't measuring acceleration but rather velocity (speed). Mass * Velocity = momentum. So in terms of momentum the calculations were right. But we can also think of the difference between two athletes by looking at the power they can each generate. Power is determined by the following equation: (1/2(Mass)(Velocity^2))/TIME. If you work out the math, it is easy to see how influential velocity is in determining power output measured in watts. You will also see that gains made in mass alone are cut in half.

3) The low man (or woman) wins. Well, if it were easy then we would all just get lower. It's not easy, though. Getting into a low position (squat) is difficult because maintaining that position requires muscular endurance, strength, and coordination. We naturally want to stand up when we get tired, not squat down. Training for contact sports like rugby should focus on getting girls (and boys) down into a squatting position.

4) Sports should be fun

That's all I've got for now. Check back later for more! Or go to the website at www.thefortisacademy.com

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